Thursday, July 19, 2012

Term Project: Cycle 3

Term Project: Cycle 3

The Wall Street Journal: author WSJ staff.
In this brief article, WSJ does a quick commentary about how midnight premiere tickets for Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight Rises are skyrocketing throughout the country. Topping the charts is an eBay scalper offering $300 for two tickets to an advanced screening at 7pm in LA.

E! News Blog: author Joal Ryan. 
In this blog, Ryan talks about the weekend premiere of Christopher Nolan's film The Dark Knight Rises. The majority of the blog talks about the expected box office boom the film's expected to make and how it might oversell the Avengers, which made a record breaking $207.4 million in the first three days of it's release.

Social Media:
The Facebook and Twitter pages for the movie The Dark Knight Rises.
On TDKR's Facebook page, there are dozens of links to various trailers and television spots, movie stills, and even productions stills to the movie. There are posts to trivia, questions such as, "which has been your favorite trailer so far?" and fan comments stating how excited they are. Their twitter feed is similar, containing retweets from both fans and celebrities and links to the Facebook page and website.

Fox News.
In this video clip, Fox News sits down with some of the stars from Nolan's Batman Trilogy and asks for their thoughts on wrapping up such an iconic reboot.

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